Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Project Day 114 - Installing the Temporary Fence

After our obligatory stop at Mickey D's, we were on the road bright and early. Dave is working as fast as his body can go to get the patio and temporary fence done so that we can move our stuff into the house. He's still pretty sore from his fall yesterday, but there is no resting at this point.

We brought Kalli again to get more accustomed to her new stomping grounds.

We realized today that the builder forgot to order the gutter guards. So, the gutter installers will be back to install them in about a week. Too bad that there was this oversight as the leaves are falling rapidly and I'm sure the gutters will need cleaning when the crew returns.

Here's a series of pictures as Dave worked through the day.

Here's what I was working on...the computer.

Dave puts more pavers on the side of the house as our sidewalk to the front.

Dave rigs up a come-along connected to the LP tank and the fence. He's so smart!

I captured Kalli's first use of her "outside" doggie door. Happy dog! She's off the leash!

Here's the gate to sidewalk on the side of the house.

Kalli observes the neighborhood and wishes she could escape to chase the squirrels.

After Dave finished the temporary fence, his final task was to see if the GMC fits into the garage without taking off the luggage rack. Yup. We were a little apprehensive, given the steep slope of the driveway. But, she fits perfectly.

Dave is thoroughly exhausted and thinks he'll buy stock in Tylenol!

LD, of course, wanted to help Dave install the fence. LD's a hard worker and works at warp speed. Dave opted to work more slowly and ask for LD's help with things that Dave can't do alone. LD has been a huge help in getting the fencing unloaded for us. Dave couldn't have done it without his assistance.

Tomorrow the POD will be delivered to the house.

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