The Screened Porch
When we arrived this morning, the finishing of the porch was well under way. It was great to see Robbie, Chris, and Bobby again.
As you can see, they started by installing the inside paneling.
I had to chuckle as I saw all three guys working diligently to measure and cut a hole in the siding for the electrical outlet. Does this remind you of the old joke: How many guys does it take to....
As you can see Robbie did not replace the fender on his trailer that was "removed" when he collided with the dumpster in our yard.
Chris and Bobby have the fun job of trimming around the doggie door.
Robbie and Bobby build the steps.
After the paneling was finished, Chris and Bobby began to roll out the screening and secure it in place along the outside frame.
The screening is stapled to the outside framing.
For comparison fun, I shot this photo to show one panel with screening (left) and one panel without screening (right).
Chris is outside adding the furring strips to cover the stapled areas of the screens.
Robbie hung the screen door.
Robbie demonstrates his skills with a broom.
Dave's porch is now finished and he couldn't be happier. Honestly, this is one of the features that makes this house so special. It provides extra living area and helps to provide a feeling of spaciousness.
Installing the Washer and Dryer
I'm sure you'll enjoy this section as you observe Dave and Brad installing the units. The two of them were a site to behold and provided much comic relief.
As you may remember, the guys couldn't install the dryer because we did not have the proper venting hose and extension. So, Dave and I picked that up at Home Depot the other day. Brad and Dave work to get the extension installed inside the dryer unit.
Such cavorting on the garage floor!
Chris helped to bring in the washer.
Heave-Ho the Dryer-O.
Once the dryer and washer were stacked, the connections in the back needed to be made. Brad was the delegated "installee" as he was the only one thin enough to get the job done. (Believe it or not, Dave and Brad are both behind the units in the next photo.)
When Brad was ready to plug in the dryer, he found out that we had a 3-prong plug and needed the newer, 4-prong plug. So, he sent Dave to the hardware store to get the correct plug. Unfortunately, Dave got a short cord. As you can see, without Brad's clever acrobatics, Dave would have been sent shopping again.
Whallah! A successful installation--thanks to Brad.
The Final Grading and Seeding
John and his crew arrived early in the day with a truck load of hay and the grader in tow.
John began grading by the front door. His crew would break up the clumps. John worked his way around the house.
Notice how John maneuvers the grader with precision between the power pole and guide wire. Phew.
John spread the seed throughout the property with a hand-crank device.
You can see the seed coverage in this photo taken near the back porch steps.
As John spread the seed, his crew covered the seed with hay.
The Oak Tree in the back yard still stands.
The final step in the grading process was to smooth out the gravel rock and bring it to the edges of the slab for the RV wheels and the sidewalk.
John and his crew depart late in the afternoon.
Brad does a final sweep.
Robbie, Brad, & Dave check a job well-done!
Brad has a final touch to decorate the yard!
The surviving cedar tree in the front yard is all decked out!
At the end of a very long day, we head home to Hoschton. One final job for Dave was to secure the items in the POD.
The POD will be picked up and taken to storage for two days. It will be delivered to Lavonia on November 5.
Over the past couple of days, Dave loaded more stepping stones to deliver to the house tomorrow morning. He plans to spend the day laying the stones and getting ready to install the temporary fence to keep Kalli corralled. We plan to leave early in the morning to head to Lavonia.
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