We made our usual quick stop at McD's and then we were on our way. We arrived at 9 AM and neither the insulation crew nor the siding crew were on the premises.
Our house is really looking like "our" home now. The siding color is a light seafoam green with dark chocolate shutters and white trim.
Dave set up the Observation Station on the porch as we didn't want to get in the way of the insulation crew.
Meanwhile, I began my ascent on the stepladder to write the blessings. It was not as easy as I thought it might be as I was a bit trepidatious about losing my footing. But my knight in shining armour held on to me so I wouldn't wobble as much as my writing seemed to wobble. Although the writings will be covered by the sheetrock, we pray they will carry hidden blessings to all who enter the house. And, should anyone do remodeling in the future, these walls will tell a story.
Note: In each of the following photo groups there is a distance photo of the door jam so you will know which jam you are viewing. Then, I have included close-up views so you can read the writings. In some photos, I have included horizontal close-up views of writings that are on vertical studs.
Front Door
Back Door
Kitchen Door

Lest We Forget the Little Ones
I was having so much fun writing on the walls, I couldn't stop. So, here's a few other literary gems!
Writing on 2x4 Between Kitchen and Living Room

Marking Our Territory!
We wait patiently for someone to show up--and we're even beginning to think today might have been a workday-washout.
But, at 9:45 AM the water company showed up to mark the location of the water lines so that the electric company could bury the cable later this week.

While they were doing their thing, the insulation crew arrived.
These two guys were a well-oiled machine. One set about sealing holes so the other could begin laying in the insulation. I only had two concerns about the insulation. One was that the plumbing crew had not insulated behind the spa tub so wanted to be sure the insulation was well-tucked behind the tub. The second was an accidental hole created in the kitchen wall by an unruly hammer. I was glad I was there to point out the hole as with the siding already on the house, it was difficult to see that a hole had been punched in the wall.

At around 10:30, the siding crew showed up. Seems one of their team members was sick, which delayed their arrival. Never did figure out if the sick guy was on site or stayed home.
By the time the insulation was complete in the main living areas of the house (LR, Kitchen, Dining), we had to move the Observation Station to the living room so the siding installers could finish the porch.
Photo Taken from Inside Porch
Photo Taken from Master Bedroom Window
Photo Taken from Dining Room
In approximately 1.5 hours, the insulation crew of two men had completed all of the insulation within the house and the crawlspace, including laying down the plastic sheeting over the crawlspace floor.
Photo Taken from Inside Garage Toward Living Room Wall
Looking Toward Kitchen
It is Wednesday, so it's "comfort station" clean-out day. When I heard the truck coming, I quickly went through the garage to snap a photo of the poop-truck--thereby capturing its arrival from a different perspective.
After snapping the photo, I walked back into the house through the kitchen. The gentle breeze we had today just whaft that odor right through the house--to the point that the siding crew stopped what they were doing outside and looked into the house. And, here I come walking through the kitchen. As their eyes teared and their throats choked, I quickly explained from whence the fires of brimstone came. Surely, they believed it was not I??
To pass the time today, I worked on a crocheting project. Dave and I discussed future ceiling fan delimas and other decorating ideas inside and outside the house.
Around noon, we were ready to eat, so we called our son, LD, to join us for lunch at Dad's.
After lunch, the three of us went back to the house to chit-chat some more.
At 3 PM, the siding crew had to stop work because they ran out of materials. They had done some dumpster-diving to retrieve some usable pieces, but after a while, that, too, was used up. They will have to wait a few days for the materials to arrive as our color was a special order.
Here's a photo of the back of the house. LD and Dave are conversing about the yard.
We packed up about 3:30 PM and headed for home.
We filled the GMC with gas as the price has dropped to $2.31 per gallon. Next stop was the grocery store. Wednesday is senior discount day and the Buy-One/Get-One specials for this week end today. As tired as I was, I knew that I needed to get some food in the house. Dave napped in the car while I shopped. We finally graced our homeland about 6 PM. What a LONG day!
We have changed our minds on a couple of items during this build since signing the contracts: 1) we added an outlet for the security system, 2) we changed the front porch light from black to white, and 3) next week, we will re-select vinyl flooring for the bathrooms. After seeing the house a seafoam green and purchasing a green and brown lamp for the living room, we decided we would not decorate in blue and browns. We're switching to greens and browns. So, the flooring color needs to change. And, there ya go!
As of now, we do not plan to return to the house until Monday. The drywall crew is scheduled to start tomorrow, and it should take them 3 to 4 days to complete the task, depending upon the humidity and drying time. So, we'll head back on Monday to check the progress. In the meantime, have a blessed and fun weekend.
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