It was a little gloomy, weather-wise this morning as it had rained most of the weekend. First thing I did was to check the weather report. Only a 30% chance of very scattered showers and only in the morning. I had not heard from Brad that the siding crew was not working, so off we went.
We were out of the house at 8:15 AM, almost before the rooster's crow. Our first stop was at the gas station for a filler-up. When we came home on last Wednesday, the price had jumped from $2.37 to $2.45. So, we decided to wait to fill the tank the next time we had to drive to the property. It was a good thing we waited; the gas was down to $2.33. QT (a local convenience store where we purchase gas) not only has excellent quality gas with engine-protection additives, it has great coffee and lots of flavor choices. So I got the coffee while Dave filled-er-up. Next, we were off to McD's for our biscuit-to-go-go.
We arrived at the property at 9:15 AM and the electric company representative was already there. But, the siding crew had not arrived yet. Figured they might be waiting for a little sunnier hour to begin.
We love, love, love the color of the siding. The pale green color blends well in a wooded environment; therefore, the house doesn't "stick out" among the surrounding vegetation.
The "electric guy" was supposed to come after 9:30 AM, so he was too prompt. Geez. I'd better bite my tongue on that one!
He measured for the cable that needs to be buried and asked us a few questions--such as where any backfill might take place and if we had other lines already buried (cable TV, telephone, etc.). The cost to bury the cable is $3.00 per linear foot. It was 85-ft, so that was a quick $255. He stated that the water company had to come out to mark where the water lines were buried and then they would bury the electric cable either Friday of this week or Monday of next.
While I wrote the check, Dave was busy assembling our Observation Station inside the living room because there was siding material on the porch. We didn't want to get in their way. Dave was grumbling as he walked through the house and saw that mud had been tracked in the house on his nice, clean, vacuumed floors. Housework is just never done!
When the electric guy left, it was nearly 10 AM, so now we are thinking that the siding crew might not be coming. We called Brad, and sure enough, they were not intending to work today because of the chance of rain. Too bad I hadn't double-checked with Brad as we could have changed the electric company appointment and come out tomorrow when more activity was taking place. Observing the siding installation was not to be for today.
Because we were already out here, decided to make it a morning of errands. I snapped the following pictures while Dave disassembled the Observation Station.
Back of House--Master Bath and Bedroom Wall with Soffit Completed
Back of House--Dining Room Window
Bedroom Side of House
We headed to the bank and then off to Home Depot to check out microwaves and ceiling fans. No purchases; just checking options.
On the way home, we stopped at QT to fill up the tank again. The price was just too good to pass up without filling up. As of today, we don't think we'll go back to the property until Thursday, but I'll check with Brad and see if anything is going on before that. We had forgotten the step stool for writing above the door jams, so I must do that before insulation is started.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Brad just called with a schedule for the week. Siding will be completed on Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Insulation will be done on Wednesday. Drywall will be started on Thursday and should take 3 to 4 days to complete. So, we are moving right along. Now, Dave and I will have to decide if we go back out today to write above the door jams or find some other way to include our blessings. Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
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