Here’s Dave at least putting in the molly screws that we picked up at Home Depot yesterday on the way home.
And, here’s the beautiful results of their combined efforts. Again, thanks, Brad.
DJ also re-installed the spa tub surround. It looks superb.
Another look at the finished floors and dining area. I just love the floors and we are so glad that we spent the extra bucks to have this surface, rather than a combo of carpet and vinyl. Nice job Dennis, Kenny, and Donna on all the floor surfaces.
All the windows along the back make the living area seem so open and refreshing. I dread putting in furniture because it will make the room seem less open. But, it would be nice to have a place to park the backside.
As you can see, the countertop to the left of the stove has been fixed so that the stove snuggly fits. Brad said they decided not to trim the countertop, but instead “carved” out the drywall to the left of the countertop. I guess they removed the top and then scraped the drywall. They were afraid that if they cut the countertop, it might splinter. It looks great—no matter how it was accomplished.
As we were all taking a break in the garage observation station and waiting for AmeriGas to arrive, Dave noticed this elaborate spider web.
And, the Georgia trees are starting to turn. Love this time of year!
At about 10:30 AM, the gas guys arrived.
First order of business was to off-load the tank and get it set in the vicinity of its final resting place.
Next, the trench had to be dug to bury the gas line that goes from the house to the tank. No sooner had they started to use the digging device, when it stopped. They had to work quite a while to get it fixed. I am not exactly sure what was wrong with it, but we were told that someone had left the digger out in the rain some time ago, and it has never worked correctly since.
Finally, they were off and digging. However, we were also told that the digger had a flat tire and therefore it took the two men to drag the device through the Georgia red to get the trench dug.
They ran into one tree root that caused a little bit of a snag.
The other day, Brad had burned some of the lumber scraps from the flatwork. So, today he had this handy, strong, magnetic “rake” that pulled out all of the nails from the burn pile.
The gas guys busied themselves with hooking up the tank to the line.
Next step was to get the stove hooked up to the gas and make sure it worked. None of us knew how to hook up the stove, so we paid him to do it for us. Had the stove been delivered from the store we purchased it in, it would have been included. But, alas. Here you see the gas guy pondering the instructions for our particular stove.
I was also surprised that AmeriGas’s hydraulic “crane” arm was leaking hydraulic fuel. At first it was just a little drip, but by the time they finished the job, it was a steady stream. I was sure glad it wasn’t leaking on the new cement. It leaked just off the rear of the RV pad (you can't see the puddle in this photo). I included this photo because it's a good view of the finished RV pad where the wheels of the trailer will rest.
LD came over to help us unload the washer, dryer, and freezer from the utility trailer. Here's the washer in the house--waiting for the dryer to join it.
As the guys began to look at what was needed to hook up the dryer, they realized we needed a longer dryer hose and a longer pipe inside the dryer. So, the washer will have to console its lonely self until we can get to Home Depot for the necessary parts.
In the afternoon, Shannon came to paint the front door. I was so busy with other things on my mind; I forgot to take his picture. So sorry, Shannon. But, the door looks great. We opted for a lighter color door as the entryway is dark and the door is recessed. We think we made a good choice!
We will be back to the property on Monday when the final, final grading is scheduled. In addition, the screened porch will be finished up. Yippee! Have a great weekend--we will be packing and packing and packing!