We had hoped to be able to haul the utility trailer loaded with rolls of chain-link fencing to the new house over the weekend, but it was still raining quite a lot and the driveway is slicker than _ _ _ _. So, we had to wait until today.
We arrived to find the laminate flooring in the living room completed. The flooring crew worked on Saturday. (I bet that was fun getting their truck up the driveway!)
In the following photo, Dennis, the owner of the flooring company, is in the foreground. Kenny, his assistant, is in the background.
Living Room Area
Here's a close-up view of the flooring pattern.
Today Dennis and Kenny finished the kitchen and dining areas. Tomorrow, they will lay the carpet in the bedrooms.
Thank goodness, we caught a break in the weather today so that Dave could get the utility trailer loaded with the fencing up the driveway. We have to install a temporary fence so that we can contain Kalli (dog) and Graykitty (cat) while we take more time to put up the permanent fence around the perimeter of our property.
The temporary fence will be put up in the back corner of the house between the dining area and the screened-in porch (as seen in the following photo).
After we got the utility trailer situated, Dave and I unloaded (yes, I really did do some manual labor) some of the lighter items from the trailer (gates and fence posts). While we were unloading, Dennis and Kenny came out and offered their assistance, which was very thoughtful. However, we already had a call in to LD (our son) to help us out. And, he was on his way over.
While we were waiting for LD to arrive, a red-tail hawk kept circling the house. So, I snapped this photo.

Unfortunately, when LD was helping us out, I was so engrossed in helping to unload the poles and watching LD overdo (as his father usually does), I neglected to capture a photo of his efforts. But, know that we couldn't have done this without his help and strength.
After the rolls were unloaded, we went out to Shoney's for lunch with LD and then we headed on home. On the drive home, we passed a cayote just walking along the side of the freeway. He looked really hungry. Poor thing!
In addition to the carpet being installed tomorrow, it is the big day to test that Dave can get the RV up our road as well as back it up the driveway without scraping bottom. That should be an interesting day!
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