As soon as Andy told me he had the flu, I began taking my Get Well Soon pills. The last thing I need is to get sick right now with so many things to get done, decisions to be made, and installations to "supervise." And, Dave certainly doesn't need to be sick. His blood is thin, and I don't want him exposed to flu bugs.
Today, Andy arrived at 9 AM and was almost back to normal--well, maybe that's not the right word for Andy (just kidding, Andy). We (mostly Andy) loaded everything into our car and his truck. Dave was good at pointing and gathering. Andy was good at loading. And I was good at...well, not sure what I was good at, but I sure seemed busy enough.
Dave was not up to driving, so I drove and Andy followed me and a cop followed Andy. So, we were good little citizens and held our speed to 69 MPH all the way out to Lavonia.
Andy unpacked everything with a wee bit of help from Dave, while I tried to figure out which room was to receive which items. Dave took the doctor's advice and mostly sat so he wouldn't overdo it. He is to take it easy and not get those blood clots all riled up and on the move.
As we perused the house, I noticed something that will make Brad's skin crawl when he sees it. The mirror in the master bathroom was installed over the sink area instead of the vanity. Obviously, it was removed and reinstalled correctly, but it made a mess of the wall.
The vinyl flooring is installed and looks nice with the dark cabinets. I am glad that we changed the color and style.
Master Bathroom Floor
Note: The red smears you see on the flooring are remnants of foot traffic carrying and depositing our Georgia red clay everywhere!
Guest/Dave's Bathroom Floor
Close-Up View of the Vinyl Flooring
Note: The color of the vinyl in this photo is not quite accurate, but it's close.
Dave's office doors were delivered. They look as if they are frosted glass, but we scratched around and realized this was a protective coating to be peeled off after painting and installation.
Here's a couple of photos of interior closets.
Linen Closet
Master Bedroom Closet
Andy left as soon as we unloaded everything. Then, Dave and I left to do a few errands.
Monday's weather doesn't look too promising. It will be a gully-washer rain. I am not sure if the AmeriGas guy will show up as scheduled. The work to be done is inside work. We have planned a luncheon for the workcrews scheduled to be on the job on Tuesday, which includes electrical, plumbing, and HVAC.
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