With Dave still in the hospital and deadlines continuing on the new house, I have asked Andy (the singing electrician) for some assistance in removing the fans and lighting from our current home. These items were not included in the mortgage for our current home, so we want to take them with us. They may not be exactly what we would have chosen for the new house (from a decorating perspective), but as it is for everyone, money is tight--so we will make do where we can.
Andy worked diligently all day and got everything done just as Dave called and said he was being released from the hospital.
So, I changed my clothes and dashed off to pick him up. It will be GREAT to have my guy home again. I certainly found out that I do NOT like being home alone with only a dog and cat to chat and cuddle with!
Andy will be back tomorrow to load these items along with the new items we had to purchase (microwave, faucets, lights, doggie doors, etc.) into our car and his truck so we can deliver them to the new house for installation on Monday.
12 years ago
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