We arrived a little before 10 AM this morning. We are expecting rain later today so we are not sure how long the crew will be able to work. Upon our arrival, there was plenty of evidence that a downpour had already occurred as the ground was quite drenched--the red clay was even redder.
We set up the Observation Station under the canopy of the GMC's rear door as there was already some on-and-off sprinkling.
We headed up the hill to check out the progress since yesterday. The guys were hard at work inside the house.
Robbie was inside working in puddles.
Chris was working in the rafters on the kitchen side of the house.
John an Bobby were also working in the rafters, but I didn't capture their work efforts today.
Progress has been made on the framing of the porch.
Dave and I walked to the back of the house to admire their handiwork on the porch's construction.
Dave and I settled-in to view the construction for today. However, much of it was done on the inside and under the roof. Therefore, we didn't get to actually observe their work as we certainly do not want to hinder them by being inside.
At around 11:30 AM, the skies opened up. We scrambled to get our Station put away quickly and decided we'd go home as the rain was not supposed to let up much today. Here's our end-of-the-day picture taken through the car window.
As we were driving home, Brad called and said Robbie and his crew had called it a day. It was good to get home early as I had a few bills to pay and clean-up duty awaiting me at home. The weather for tomorrow is predicted to be quite sunny, hot, and humid (don't 'cha just love that Georgia humidity--NOT).
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