Back to the building project.
We arrived around 10 AM to find that the sill plates, band boards, and some floor joists were already completed.
Brad Observing Progress
Description of Building Parts

In the following picture, Brad and the framing crew are discussing the plans. Today's framing crew includes (from L to R, excluding Brad) Chris (standing in crawl space), Johnny, and Robbie (the framing supervisor).
We took a few pictures of the current state before setting up the Observation Station to watch the process.
Front Stoop Entry into House
Front View of House
Brad did not intend to stay very long at the site today. But, he had to wait for the dumpster to arrive. It was supposed to be delivered between 8 AM and 9 AM. But, when we arrived (at 10 AM), it still had not been delivered. After approximately 5 phone calls to the company to get status, we finally heard the truck within the subdivision. But, he was lost. The dumpster arrived at nearly 1 PM.
The hydraulic system tilts the dumpster until it rolls off the back. Don't worry; it was attached with some type of cable system to keep it from rolling to Timbuktu.
Brad set to work filling the dumpster. Notice the cement bags that he is carrying. These are the same bags that he and Dave carried from the left side of the lot to the right side of the lot last week. Now that the dumpster is in place, Brad had to move all that "trash" from the right side of the lot to the dumpster on the left side of the lot. Is there no end to this man's tenacity?
Brad finished his trash duty and headed out to another job site. We continued to man the Observation Station to watch the progress unfold. Note: The cement block, sand-filled area on the right side of these next two pictures is the patio area.
Robbie Cutting Lumber in the Future RV Parking Area
Shortly after Brad left, we decided it was time for lunch. We ate the Italian/Greek Restaurant in downtown Lavonia on the old square. Because we knew we had ribs brewing at home in the slow cooker, we ate salads.
Our next stop was the water department. Brad told us before he left where he wanted the water tap (at the street) to be placed. We had to drop off the application papers to be approved for the water service. And, Brad told us to obtain the water department's blue flag to replace his marker flag. The water department said it would take a day or two for the approval, and they would call us when it was complete. After we are approved, Tomorrow's Homes will send the water company the $810 for the actual work to begin. They will tap into the existing line that is in the street to divert water to our property. We know that the lines exist in the street, because Dave could see them in a washed away area next to the street. However, we do not believe water has ever been brought up into those lines. The pump house is empty and no one has ever lived on the street. We will be anxious to see the process for getting water to the property.
Empty Pump House at the Bottom of Our Street
We also placed our address marker as that's a requirement for the water department. We either have to have a mailbox with our address or a street sign marker (it has "83" on it) before they will tap into the street lines. We obtained the address marker a few weeks ago.
When we returned from lunch and the water department, the framing crew was gone. Here's a few pictures of their progress for the day.
View from Dining Area Toward Pam's Office
View from Front Stoop Toward Master Bedroom
View of Front Stoop and Garage Area (on right)
Looking Into Crawl Space Through Floor Joists
It was a long, hot day. Dave and I were exhausted watching the framing crew and Brad hard at work. We headed home around 3 PM as we were in desperate need of a nap!
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